

    I am Sage Boutelle and I am a Film and Media Arts Major at the University of Tampa. I do a mixture of video editing, cinematography, producing, and screenwriting for various independent film projects (either for school or for fun). All of which I love doing and am passionate about.

    I would like to be able to turn this passion into a career one day. That remains to be seen as of now, but I have heard good things about the UT film department so I remain hopeful.

    Although I do not plan on pursuing straight-up 2D animation as a career (although I am not inherently opposed to it), I hope to gain a better understanding and appreciation for the craft. In addition to any inherent value of learning, this would be useful to be able to communicate with any animators (either casually or collaboratively) more effectively. 

The Wind Rises Movie Poster
    Even with my limited understanding, I hold a great deal of respect for animation due to its technical and artistic depth and complexity. Several animated works have also touched me on a personal level, I have a soft spot for the Studio Ghibli film The Wind Rises. The film is a simply beautiful anti-war film which is so elegantly crafted that I have to resist the urge not to gush over it for an obscenely long amount of this blog text.

That is all,    

Sage Boutelle    




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